Kamis, 17 Januari 2008


We look to the Internet for news, socializing, shopping, research and more. From HTML code to instant messaging, we'll break down what's really going on whenever you log on, send an e-mail, visit a popular Web site or post to a blog.


How ASPs Work

One of the most unique business models spawned by the Web is the Application Service Provider. Learn all about this innovative Internet-based software-publishing model.

How Broadband Over Powerlines Works

Imagine plugging your computer into any electrical outlet in your home and having high-speed Internet access instantly. Power line broadband is offered in a few U.S. cities, but there are groups and government agencies fighting to block further development. What's the controversy about?

How High-speed Dial-up Works

Under the impression that dial-up modems are out of style? Actually, tons of folks still use dial-up Internet access. Find out how high-speed dial-up makes the most of the original connection method.

How Internet Radio Works

A college student in Wisconsin hears a dj in Jamaica play the latest calypso tune. An advocacy group unites members across the country via a private broadcast. It's made possible by Internet radio, the latest innovation in radio broadcasting since the business began in the early 1920s.

How Routing Algorithms Work

Think you know how routers work? These devices use intricate formulas to figure out exactly where to send a packet and how to get it there. Learn all about routing algorithms.

How WiMAX Works

WiMAX has hit technology news in a big way. This networking system can blanket a 30-mile radius with broadband access compared to Wi-Fi's 300-foot range. Learn all about WiMAX.


Before the Internet, there was ARPANET. Based on a governmental initiative, ARPANET built the World Wide Web from the ground up.

How do large Web sites handle the load of millions of visitors a day?

As you sit waiting for a page to load on a large website, do you ever wonder how they handle so many visitors? And what happens if a site gets swamped with more people than it can handle?

How does a T1 line work?

What's so special about a T1 line? It means the phone company has brought a fiber optic line into your office that can carry data at a rate of 1.544 megabits per second!

How does satellite Internet operate?

How do you access the Internet other than dial-up if you live too far from a phone company office for DSL and there is no cable TV on your street? Satellite Internet access may be worth considering.

How Interplanetary Internet Will Work

How far will the Internet go? The next phase of the Internet will take us to the far reaches of our solar system and lay the groundwork for a communications system for manned missions to Mars and planets beyond.

Net Neutrality Primer

Net neutrality can be summed up by a familiar saying: If it's not broken, don't fix it. But how you define "broken" determines in where you stand. Find out why telecom providers are duking it out with content providers like Google and Amazon.

Which is better to use for a cable modem -- a USB connection or an Ethernet card?

There are too many variables to make a generalization about whether Ethernet or USB is the better way to connect your home computer. Read this article to learn how to pick the right one for your system.

Why the difference in speed with my cable modem?

It can be truly frustrating -- one minute you're zipping along just fine, the next, you can't get one page to load. What's causing the backup? Cable modems are part of a loop that begins at the cable company's central office, goes through a certain neighborhood or area, and comes back to the central office.


How Domain Name Servers Work

If you're online a lot, you use domain name servers hundreds of times a day -- and you may not even know it! Find out how this global, usually invisible system helps get Web pages to your machine.

How the Webbys Work

The Webby Awards are the premier awards honoring excellence on the Internet. Read up on the Webbys and learn why almost no one thanks the Academy (even though there is an Academy to thank!)

How Web Advertising Works

Most of us encounter Internet-based ads on a daily basis, and some of us have the misfortune of being utterly bombarded. Does anyone actually click on those things? Find out all about the world of Web advertising.

How Web Pages Work

Still planning on getting your own site up on the Web? This article explains the art and science of website creation, from basic HTML to promoting your site worldwide.

How Web Servers Work

When you type a Web site address into your browser Web servers are doing the work of getting you the page you request. Find out how these machines locate Web pages and deliver them to your computer.

How does JavaScript work and how can I build simple calculators with it?

Basically, JavaScript is what is called a Client-side Scripting Language. That means that it is a computer programming language that runs inside an Internet browser. Of course, there's more to it than that ...

How Web 2.0 Works

Internet experts can't agree on what exactly Web 2.0 is. Is it a newer, more interactive version of the Internet? Or is it a marketing ploy?

How Web Animation Works

These days, you can find animated figures all across the Internet! Ready to give life to your own creations? Learn about dynamic HTML, animated GIFs, Java, Shockwave and Flash animation techniques.

If I want to get started creating my own Web site what do I have to do?

Are you ready to get your brilliant idea online and active? Here's the breakdown of what you'll need to do.


How WAP Works

Do you get the shakes when you're offline for more than 10 minutes? The wireless Internet lets you browse Web pages from a cell phone or PDA. Learn about the Wireless Application Protocol that makes it possible to surf on the go.

How WiFi Works

Wireless networks are easy to set up and inexpensive. They're also unobtrusive -- unless you're on the lookout for a place to use your laptop, you may not even notice when you're in a hotspot.

How the Airborne Internet Will Work

Imagine using a high-speed wireless Internet connection originating from an aircraft flying over your city. Learn about the airborne Internet and how you might use this technology in the near future.


How Boolean Logic Works

Boolean logic is the key to many of a computer's most mysterious and human-like functions, from playing chess to balancing a checkbook. How do "AND," "NOT" and "OR" make such amazing things possible?

How Internet Infrastructure Works

Do you ever wonder how the Internet really works? How do Web pages, e-mail and music move to and from your computer? Learn all about the amazing global network we call the World Wide Web.

How Internet Search Engines Work

Internet search engines are special sites on the Web that help people find information stored on other sites. There are differences in the ways various search engines work, but they all perform three basic tasks.

How MapQuest Works

MapQuest made online mapping and navigation indispensable with alternate routes and the most up-to-date information. How does this complex system work?

How Newsgroups Work

Social networking and e-commerce may be all the rage, but many internet pioneers originally used the Internet for sharing ideas among large groups of people. Newsgroups were fundamental to early internet communication, and they're still good sources of information today.

How Online Degrees Work

Is higher education ready to enter the digital age? Many people think so -- more and more colleges and universities are offering online classes and even full degrees.

How PayPal Works

PayPal is one of the world's primary methods of online payment, with more than 86 million accounts worldwide. Find out how to send and receive money with PayPal and learn how funds are transferred from one account to another.

How Penny Per Page Might Work

The World Wide Web is known for its nearly unprecedented "free content." But can it stay that way? Learn how the penny-per-page revenue model might work.

How Petfinder.com Works

Take the legwork out of your pet search! Learn how Petfinder.com got started, how shelters and rescue groups use it and how you can find a new member for your family on the site.

How Spam Works

You block, it you filter it, you unsubscribe from lists -- and still it lands in your inbox. If you have an e-mail account, chances are you also have spam. Find out how the spammers find you and what you can do about them.

How the Wikipedia Scanner Works

Someone at the CIA is editing Wikipedia entries about lightsabers. How do we know? The Wikipedia Scanner. Find out what Rush Limbaugh and Apple have to do with the WikiScanner.

What is this click fraud that is costing Google billions?

In recent years, Google has faced lawsuits related to its response to click fraud, a practice that leads to increased ad revenue for Google. Find out how click fraud works and how it affects the search-based advertising industry.

What's new about the new Internet Explorer?

Five years after the debut of IE6, Microsoft released the first truly upgraded version of its Web browser. Take a look at what made it such a dramatic improvement.

Do you know why some Web pages end in htm others end in html others end in asp and so on? Why all the different extensions?

While .html may be the most common file extension, what do the others mean? What about .htm, .asp or .php?

How do viruses and worms spread in e-mail?

From Trojan horses, to worms and viruses, we give you the skinny on how viruses can infect your system through email.

How Mahalo Works

Mahalo is a search engine that aims to give users a hassle-free experience. Behind every search result is a real live person -- not an algorithm. Who are the Mahalo guides and how do they build search results?

What are the best settings when e-mailing digital pictures to friends and what settings do I use if I want to print the picture?

Digital cameras can make some things easier, but digital photography requires an understanding of file types and sizes. Find out how to make the best use of them here.

What are the standard top-level domain names and who controls them?

Most programs written in the C programming language are relatively immune to the Y2K problem, but suffer instead from the Year 2038 problem. Learn how the standard time library works and what it has to do with the year 2038.

What causes things like fatal exception errors and invalid page faults?

Even though there is nothing you can do with the cryptic error messages your computer gives you during a problem, it might be nice to at least know what they mean! Find out what the three most common error messages mean.

What do you call the symbol used in e-mail addresses?

The funny little "a" with its tail circling back around it is probably one of the most commonly used symbols today. So it is truly amazing to learn that there is no official, universal name for it.

What is an Internet cookie?

Cookies have, for some reason, gained a rather sinister image, but a cookie is just one or more pieces of information stored as text strings on your machine. Find out how they work and how they got their dangerous image.

What is an IP address?

Your IP address is your one of your computer's identification methods. To make it easier for us humans to remember, IP addresses are normally expressed in decimal format as a "dotted decimal number."

What is MIME?

Have you ever wondered about the MIME that you see in some of your emails? Find out how it helps you receive and open attached files.

Where are all the Internet domain names registered and maintained?

One of the greatest things about the Internet is that nobody really owns it. It is a global collection of networks, both big and small, that connect together to form the single entity that we know as "the Internet." How is this possible?

Why are there so many broken links in search engines?

It's a frustration most of us encounter daily - the broken link. It's especially annoying when you're really looking forward to that page you expect to load! Find out what (besides human error) creates broken links.

Why do some Web sites include www in the URL while others don't?

Once you spend a good deal of time on the Web, you start learning the language of internet addresses. Have you come across sites that use something in place of www? (Hint: you're on one now!)

Why does my Web browser display some book-marked sites with a custom icon?

To make it easier to pick out a particular link from your list of favorites, Internet Explorer versions 5.0 and higher include custom bookmark icons for some sites. Learn how they do it and how these icons make your web surfing easier.

Why is it that some Web pages seem to trap me so I cant get out?

When you try to leave a Web site, either by using the Back button or by closing the browser, the site reappears in a new window. Or maybe the site pops up in three or four new windows when you try to leave it. What's going on?

Computer Software

Software refers to the programs your computer uses to perform the actions you want it to. Learn all about computer software, from Web browsers to the latest operating systems, with our explanations, reviews, videos and prices.


How BitTorrent Works

Instead of downloading a file in its entirety, BitTorrent gathers pieces of the file you want and transfers them simultaneously from other sources. How does it put the pieces back together?

How File Compression Works

Compression programs can eliminate 50 to 95 percent of file size in seconds, but when you open up the file the data is still there! Learn how compression algorithms cut down on bytes without killing data.

How Gnutella Works

File-sharing allow millions of people to freely trade MP3 and video files on the Internet. Is it legal? How are the files exchanged? Is there a central database? Find out how the file-sharing structure works and see why it makes it difficult for record labels to sue.

How MP3 Files Work

CDs took care of storing music digitally, then MP3 files took it to the next level, compressing audio data down to a manageable file size -- without losing sound quality! Learn about the miracle of MP3.

How the Old Napster Worked

While the original Napster got sued out of business, dozens of free file-sharing utilities have popped up to take its place. Find out how the old Napster worked and why it was vulnerable to legal attacks.

How does Napster work and why is there such a huge fight around it right now?

Get a refresher on the original Napster and why it caused such a storm about intellectual property laws.

What is Aimster?

As a file-sharing program, Aimster is generally more secure because users have complete control over their files. This AOL program can also hook up with your IM friends.


How 3-D Graphics Work

3-D graphics are essential to realistic computer games and object modeling -- they can make computer images look totally life-like! But how is a computer model transformed into the image you see on the screen?

How Screensavers Work

Screensavers used to be necessary due to CRT monitor quirks -- now they're mostly used for entertainment and security. Find out what a screensaver is and how it knows when to kick in.

How Shockwave 3-D Technology Works

In this article, we'll find out exactly what Shockwave 3-D technology is and how it works. We'll also explore some applications of this technology and check out some very cool 3-D images.

How Video Editing Works

Have a camcorder and a computer? Add a piece of software to the mix and you can turn a home movie into a high-quality video masterpiece!

How can I burn MP3s from my computer onto CD-Rs?

If you want to play MP3 files in your car and your car has a CD player in it, or if you want to play them on your home stereo, then what you need to do is move your MP3 files onto a CD. Here's how.

How does my computer know when to activate the screensaver?

There's a special command your computer sends when your keyboard and mice have been idle for a period of time. Find out how your computer activates your screensaver.

What are TrueType fonts?

In the late 1980s, Adobe introduced its Type 1 fonts based on vector graphics. Unlike bitmapped fonts, vector fonts could be made larger or smaller and still look good.

Why are my digital photograph files so huge while photos on other Web sites are much smaller?

Digital images can be saved by numerous methods and in countless file sizes. Learn how the jpg format compresses your photos while maintaining resolution.

Why are there so many different image formats on the Web?

GIF and JPEG formats may be the most commonly used, but there are other useful image formats for more specific purposes. Find out what they are and how to use them.


How C Programming Works

A computer program is the key to the digital city: If you know the language you can get a computer to do almost anything you want. Learn how to write computer programs in C.

How CGI Scripting Works

CGI, or common gateway interface, allows Web servers to store dynamic Web pages that can change and update rather than remain a fixed page. This article explains the process, plus shows you how to write your own scripts.

How Java Works

Whether you're a seasoned computer user or are just beginning to experiment, this step-by-step guide will get you started with Java. Begin with this basic tutorial, and then move on to more advanced skills.

How Perl Works

Perl is easy to use once you know the basics. It can be used to create DOS batch files, C shell scripts, CGI scripts for Web pages and more. Get a great introduction to this versatile programming language.

What are relational databases?

The relational database was born in 1970 when E.F. Codd, a researcher at IBM, wrote a paper outlining the process. At the time, databases were "flat," and stored as one long text file. Learn how the relational database changed the way we work.

What is a computer algorithm?

When you use programming to tell a computer what to do, you also get to choose how it's going to do it. That's where computer algorithms come in. The algorithm is the basic technique used to get the job done.


How can doctors use virtual reality to treat phobias

Virtual medicine was developed to try and help the millions of people that suffer from phobias. Learn what virtual medicine is, and how it can treat fears.

How Content-recognition Software Works

Content-recognition software does a lot more than just help you find that song you heard while shopping. It serves as a watchdog for copyright infringement, thus eliminating some of the toil of countless human workers scouring websites and other public spaces.

How Digital Rights Management Works

The digital revolution that has empowered consumers to use digital media in new and innovative ways has also made it nearly impossible for copyright holders to control the distribution of their property. Enter "digital rights management," or DRM.

How Firefox Works

In 2004, ten thousand fans of an obscure "alternative" Web browser ran an ad in the New York Times introducing their favorite browser to the world. Since then, Firefox has exploded in popularity as users and developers continue improving this open-source phenomenon.

How Pop-up Blockers Work

It's happened to almost all of us at some point in our Web surfing experience -- you're visiting a new site when all of a sudden your screen begins to fill with boxes advertising goods and services. Enter the pop-up blocker. Learn about how no two pop-up blockers are alike and how they keep ads at bay.

How Streaming Video and Audio Work

Streaming video and audio has come a long way since the mid-to-late 1990s when streaming media suffered from poor quality. Learn more about streaming media.

How does SETI home work?

Do you believe in intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? Check out how the SETI@home product works, and find out what extraterrestrials have to do with screen savers.


How BIOS Works

One of the most common uses of Flash memory is for the basic input/output system of your computer, commonly known as the BIOS. On virtually every system available, the BIOS makes sure all the other chips, hard drives, ports and CPU function together.

How Operating Systems Work

The operating system controls every task your computer carries out and manages system resources to optimize performance. Learn how your operating system handles it all so you can multi-task without a crash.

What's the problem with Microsoft Word?

How did hackers exploit four different "zero day" flaws in Microsoft Word? Find out what went wrong with Microsoft Word.

How do I add applications to the task bar in Windows 98?

One of the funny things about the Graphical User Interface is that while the interface is graphical, the help files are textual. Learn how to overcome this dilemma.

How Windows Vista Works

After lengthy delays, Microsoft finally released the much-anticipated first version of the graphics-heavy Windows Vista. Check out what's new.

In Windows what is Safe Mode used for and why?

While Windows is a versatile and powerful operating system, there are times that it can be frustrating. Safe Mode is a special way for Windows to load when there is a system-critical problem that interferes with the normal operation of Windows.

What does open source mean?

Software developers who support the open-source concept believe that allowing anyone who's interested to modify the source code makes the application more useful and error-free over the long term.

What is Linux and why is it so popular?

Linux is as much a phenomenon as it is an operating system. To understand why Linux has become so popular, it is helpful to know a little bit about its history.

When you delete files from your computer and after you empty it out of the Recycle Bin where exactly does it go?

When Microsoft introduced the Recycle Bin in Windows 95, it immediately became a failsafe for many users. But deleting a file by sending it to the Recycle bin will not permanently delete it from your hard drive.